ingeschreven tweejarigen
Ingeschreven paarden Trotting Classics Tour - jaargang 2023
Hieronder vindt u een overzicht van de paarden welke per medio januari 2025 ingeschreven staan voor de Trotting Classics Tour. Het betreft hier de in 2023 geboren paarden. Na elke inlegronde wordt de lijst geüpdate.
Nog ingeschreven paarden per 16-01-2025
Nummer | Naam paard |
NL230001 | Royal Express |
NL230002 | Rex Beuckenswijk |
NL230003 | Neymar Renka TF |
NL230005 | Nadine Heot TF |
NL230007 | Riebeeck Boko |
NL230008 | Race For A Kiss |
NL230010 | Retteketet BR |
NL230011 | Rihane |
NL230013 | Rough and Tough |
NL230015 | Rapapai |
NL230018 | Rose des Nouis |
NL230020 | Ritchie Bros |
NL230023 | Riciona Boko |
NL230025 | Roxy Boko |
NL230026 | Royal Dynasty |
NL230030 | Rolling Stone |
NL230031 | Romeo Boko |
NL230035 | Rover Hazelaar |
NL230037 | Radetzky |
NL230038 | Rainbow Dream |
NL230039 | Real Moni |
NL230040 | Ricky Vitanova |
NL230041 | Riet Black |
NL230044 | Radegonde |
NL230045 | Ramalho Renka |
NL230048 | Rebel Renka |
NL230049 | Red Mile Renka |
NL230050 | Repentless Renka |
NL230051 | Rising Sun Boko |
NL230052 | Rocky AJ |
NL230054 | Rolleman Flevo |
NL230055 | Romano Flevo |
NL230057 | Roos Flevo |
NL230058 | Royston Renka |
NL230060 | Ragna L Kite |
NL230061 | Railway Fortuna |
NL230062 | Roger F Swagerman |
NL230065 | Royal Fortuna |
NL230068 | Rosie CD |
NL230069 | Rex Scott |
NL230070 | Raebianca Boko |
NL230071 | Rasputin Deval |
NL230072 | Raven Schermer |
NL230073 | Right van ACE |
NL230074 | Riva Font Schermer |
NL230075 | Rockstar |
NL230076 | Romy S Diamond |
NL230079 | Ruby Stone |
NL230080 | Ready Max |
NL230081 | Remy Greenacre |
NL230082 | Resa Charisma |
NL230084 | Ryanne GO |
NL230085 | Rozetha VH |
NL230087 | Realy Schermer |
NL230088 | Remi Schermer |
NL230089 | Renate Schermer |
NL230091 | Rimber TS |
NL230092 | Romeo Schermer |
NL230093 | Ruben Schermer |
NL230094 | Ruby Schermer |
NL230095 | Nelson Norg TF |
NL230098 | Rascal Vredebest |
NL230099 | Redlight’s Wish |
NL230100 | Ridder Jan |
NL230102 | Rocky vd Driegang |
NL230103 | Roxy Hazelaar |
NL230106 | Rambo Fortuna |
NL230107 | Redfire Volo |
NL230110 | Rising Pasel |
NL230111 | Rosie Baldwin |
NL230113 | Rose Starlake |
NL230114 | Rhea Bianco |
NL230118 | Roxette Dragon |
NL230121 | Nero di Quattro TF |
NL230122 | Radicaal |
NL230123 | Rocky W |
NL230124 | Roy Schermer |
NL230125 | Raymond K Lobell |
NL230126 | Rebel Ris |
NL230127 | Roos C Lobell |
NL230128 | Royalty Lobell |
NL230129 | Nacosa Vrijthout TF |
NL230131 | Red Bandit |
NL230132 | Regia Jet |
NL230133 | Rhonda Vredebest |
NL230134 | Ritchie Newport |
NL230135 | Ritchy Diamond |
NL230136 | Riverside Diamond |
NL230139 | Ram Jam |
NL230140 | Remarkable Effect |
NL230144 | Ringo Newport |
NL230145 | Rudy |
NL230146 | Ruthless |
NL230147 | Rumour has it |
NL230148 | Rockapolly Flevo |
NL230149 | Renzo Esperanca |
NL230150 | Rizzoli Esperanca |
NL230151 | Rebel Invicta |
NL230152 | Rocky Vrijthout |
NL230153 | Rose Vrijthout |
NL230154 | Nirvana Boko TF |
NL230155 | Radio Active |
NL230157 | Restoremycash |
NL230159 | Rainbow Vrijthout |
NL230160 | Ranger Dragon |
NL230161 | Rapide Vrijthout |
NL230162 | Rik Dragon |
NL230163 | Rover Dragon |
NL230164 | Rainbow Six |
NL230165 | Raikash |
NL230169 | Rajah Ris |
NL230170 | Ronald Schermer |
NL230171 | Roses of Gold |
NL230172 | Rio Scott |
NL230174 | Ready Oak |
NL230176 | Rich Design |
NL230177 | Rosemary Boko |
NL230179 | Ratina Transs R |
NL230181 | Riana Vrijthout |
NL230182 | Rubicon Boko |
NL230184 | Norma Newport TF |
NL230185 | Reza Starro |
NL230186 | Rochelle Boko |
NL230187 | R10 |
NL230188 | Ragnar Scott |
NL230191 | Rioujo |
NL230192 | Ramona |
NL230193 | Regina |
Adonis HB | |
Ambush in the night | |
Ambush inthe night | |
Arizona S | |
Armando | |
Arrivederci | |
Balboa | |
Balotelli | |
Beautiful Mind S | |
Black Phantom | |
Calgary Flames | |
California Dreamin S | |
Capitano Byd | |
Caramia | |
Commander Viking | |
Crazy in Love S | |
Creamontop Diamant | |
Delmonica Reina | |
Donnabella | |
Dragonera | |
Dreamlike Jog | |
Dusk Till Dawn S | |
Elma Red O.E. | |
Eloisa di Masi | |
Evita di Masi | |
Fanni Barosso | |
Fantasia | |
Fifty Sixty Sox | |
Fly General | |
Flying Tiger RT | |
Fool You | |
FreeFall S | |
Furiosa | |
Galileo As | |
Girl on Fire | |
Golden Jubilee S | |
Havana Moon S | |
I am Jet | |
Ibra dei Veltri | |
Icannoliwearchanel | |
Ice on Fire S | |
Ida dei Veltri | |
Idilliaco d’Arc | |
Idyia di Poggio | |
Iggdrasil Font | |
Ilariacon | |
Image of Fas | |
Imalaya As | |
Immortal S | |
Imperio | |
In Orbita Bi | |
In the wind Gar | |
Indiana Jones Treb | |
Indigeno Brofont | |
Indovina Bi | |
Indyjones Font | |
Infinity Wise L | |
Insidia Font | |
Iosef Jet | |
Irdiddio Mil | |
Iris Cam | |
Iroshima Jet | |
Ispanico Font | |
Istrian Kronos | |
Italia Schermer | |
Itself Kronos | |
Ivan Drago Font | |
Jazzy Jog | |
La Madrina | |
Lets Rock S | |
M Eck Gyver | |
Magda | |
Magic Moment | |
Magic One | |
Main Attraction | |
Mateo | |
May the Force | |
Mcenroe Laser | |
Mendoza Cabirat | |
Meslois | |
Miracle of Love | |
Mistress Simoni | |
Misunderstood | |
Monroe Venus | |
Moon Landing | |
Mystic Meslois | |
Nato Josselyn | |
Neal of Sugar | |
Nepaleyo | |
New York Giant | |
Nightstorm | |
Nizza | |
N’Joy Madrik | |
Noble Lobell | |
Nolan Aventura TF | |
Non Stop Seven | |
Nonah Brescia | |
Nothing Rhymed | |
Notre Star Delo | |
Notting Hill | |
Nouvelle du Nord TF | |
Optimus Prime S | |
Oriana B | |
Peroz Moon | |
Pogacar Heuvelland | |
Racing Greenwood | |
Racing Steel | |
Radja Invicta | |
Rafiki Greenwood | |
Ragazza di Rob | |
Rail With Me | |
Raindance | |
Raisa Newport | |
Raja Beuckenswijk | |
Ralf Boko | |
Ranomi di Quattro | |
Raoul di Quattro | |
Redvelvet Bros | |
Regina Wescco | |
Regret Boko | |
Rejin Boko | |
Remarkable Boko | |
Remembrance Boko | |
Retweet Boko | |
Revanche Boko | |
Rhapsody Newport | |
Ribera Renka | |
Ribot Boko | |
Richie Steel | |
Richwood | |
Rihanna Boko | |
Rikens Boko | |
Roald Amund Boko | |
Rodgers Flevo | |
Rödluvan Newport | |
Romelo Wescco | |
Ronettes Boko | |
Roquebrune Boko | |
Rosada Boko | |
Rosie Bros | |
Rosie Newport | |
Rothschild Boko | |
Royale Parker | |
Rumours of You AM | |
Saveurtearsforlater | |
Simply Joker | |
Snooze’em | |
Sonofapreacherman | |
Speniorita | |
Stella Luna | |
Sultan of Swing S | |
Sunlight Lynx | |
Sunny Side As | |
SuperiorSpellpower S | |
Swept Away S | |
This is me | |
Turbo Bo | |
Una | |
Union Darby | |
Untouchable Darby | |
Us Darby | |
Utoky Vrijthout | |
Valencia S | |
Wasimi | |
Waymaker | |
Wellington | |
West Coast Swing S | |
West End Girl | |
What a Dream | |
Wichita | |
Wikasi | |
Wilcox | |
Windhuk | |
Wingman | |
Wisconsin | |
Wolverine S | |
Wow | |
Wulf | |
Wutsch | |
Yoshy | |
Zantes Girl IT | |
Celebrity Diamant | |
Covergirl Diamant | |
Cinderella Diamant |